As we cross the halfway mark of 2021, the Telluride Region’s real estate market continues charging full speed ahead. As inventories have dwindled over the past year-and-a-half, San Miguel County’s dollar volume of sales has continued to rise, increasing 207% year-to-date over the prior 5 year-to-date average. Amazingly, at $684M, the year-to-date dollar volume of sales has surpassed the yearly totals for the last 10+ years (with the exception of 2020). Due to very limited inventory in Town, we have seen Mountain Village and outlying areas surge, carrying the market.
There is still plenty to buy in today’s market, even though it may not be exactly what you are looking for today. Buying into the market to begin enjoying the Telluride lifestyle and to garner appreciation can set you up nicely to purchase what may be an even better property down the road.
We constantly hear from people “I should have bought 5 years ago” and have yet to hear “I bought at the wrong time.” Luxury real estate in world class ski towns is very finite, therefore prices tend to not go down. Second home markets are different from primary home markets in that well-heeled sellers are patient and are more focused on achieving price than they are speed. The takeaway being, do not miss another year of enjoyment waiting for the time to be “right.”
Obviously, with high demand and low inventory, it’s a great time to be a seller. Yet, like anything, it’s never quite that easy. Sellers may need to be prepared to leave the market, as re-entry can be difficult right now. For those looking to make a significant re-investment in Telluride, we are seeing spectacular offerings in the top tier of the market that have never been available before.
From second homeowners to locals alike, Telluride is where they want to be and we are seeing them overcome whatever challenges stand in their way to make that dream a reality.
Read on for the full report, and contact me anytime to discuss current market conditions as they pertain to your goals.
Hope to see you in Telluride soon!
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