Found 1 blog entry tagged as sunnyside telluride.

Let’s talk about some GREAT housing news for the Telluride workforce!

This summer, some lucky locals in need of affordable housing will be able to move into the brand new Sunnyside development, less than 3 miles from the Town of Telluride (next to Eider Creek on the spur). Comprising of 30 rental units including tiny homes, apartments and townhomes, Sunnyside will meet the needs of a wide variety of families. Rents start at just over $1,198 per month, and go up to $2,565 depending on the size of the unit and the household income of the tenant (you read that right - the most expensive 4-bedroom is under $2,600/month! ????). To qualify for tenancy, all applicants must meet employment qualifications. This affordable housing…

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