On December 21, 2022, the San Miguel County District Court reversed the May 2022 decision by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to rezone a 39-acre portion of the Diamond Ridge property to the newly created high-density Community Housing (CH) zone. This reverts the property to its original low-density Forestry-Agricuture (F) zone.

This means that the proposed "The Ridge" affordable housing development on Deep Creek Mesa, planning to consist of 150-780 units on 39 acres, will no longer be possible under the F zoning that allows for 1 dwelling per 35 acres.

The court deemed the rezoning to be unlawful for two reasons:

  1. San Miguel County Commissioner Hilary Cooper was found to be biased due to extensive ex parte communications over the…

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   The below information was provided by Mountain Village Mayor, Laila Benitez and Town Manager, Paul Wisor, including a detailed update on the Town's current affordable housing projects: Mayor's Minute

Dear Mountain Village Community Members:

At Town Hall, we are looking back fondly at a wonderful summer season and hoping your summer was as enjoyable and eventful as our own.  The Mountain Village Town Council and staff are now diligently working on the 2023 budget.  This process helps ensure Mountain Village, in collaboration with its local partners, continues to provide a world-class experience to its residents, second homeowners, and guests.

While the budget represents a myriad of priorities, it is clear that affordable housing…

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“The Ridge” Affordable Housing Project on Deep Creek Mesa, just a short drive from Telluride and Mountain Village, could very well be the most controversial housing project to date.

*Update: Since the filming of this video, the Board of County Commissioners approved the new Community Housing Zone for this property, despite an overwhelming majority of comments and letters pleading otherwise. This zoning will allow for the Town of Telluride and San Miguel County to move forward with the purchase of the land, but does not guarantee that this project will come to fruition. I will continue to provide updates on the progress!

Can I answer any questions…

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Let’s talk about some GREAT housing news for the Telluride workforce!

This summer, some lucky locals in need of affordable housing will be able to move into the brand new Sunnyside development, less than 3 miles from the Town of Telluride (next to Eider Creek on the spur). Comprising of 30 rental units including tiny homes, apartments and townhomes, Sunnyside will meet the needs of a wide variety of families. Rents start at just over $1,198 per month, and go up to $2,565 depending on the size of the unit and the household income of the tenant (you read that right - the most expensive 4-bedroom is under $2,600/month! ????). To qualify for tenancy, all applicants must meet employment qualifications. This affordable housing…

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