This is a series of videos to chat about the two proposed ballot measures addressing Short Term Rentals in the Town of Telluride. The less aggressive measure, 2D, which I supported immensely, passed by a landslide on November 2nd, 2021.

Hi friends -

Today I’m concluding this series of videos by sharing my "why." Why I've spent so much time and effort over these last few months on discussing these Short Term Rental ballot measures and fighting for Measure 2D. I only scratched the surface of that here, but I hope this gives you a sense of why 2D is the compromise the Telluride community deserves.

Do you have questions that weren’t answered here? Contact me!

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Today I’m covering Q300's claims that they will 1) create long-term housing, 2) transfer tourism to hotels only, 3) slow real estate speculation, and 4) protect Telluride locals who STR their homes.

NOTE: My numbers on lost funding for affordable housing have been corrected. The actual lost revenue is estimated at just under $540,000/year!

Do you have questions about the competing ballot measures? Contact me and I’d be glad to help!

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Nothing like a pandemic to lift a market! San Miguel County real estate sales have surpassed $1b through the end of September and are on track to eclipse last year’s $1.16b record. Mountain Village and surrounding areas have carried the market, as buyers have come to recognize the attractiveness of values and lifestyle opportunities there. Downtown Telluride sales have slowed, simply because there has been very little inventory. Of recent importance, is the advent of properties contracting over $10m and $20m. No longer are sales over these thresholds considered an anomaly. Telluride is clearly maturing quickly and with its limited supply, suggests continued appreciation.

Despite historically low inventories, we at…

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Posters around town claim that 40% of homes in Telluride are Short Term Rentals. That number is carefully cherry-picked and wildly inflated. I'm here to share the truth, because that's what our community deserves!

Do you have questions about the competing ballot measures? Contact me and I’d be glad to help!

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With so much misinformation floating around the internet, I’m doing a series of “mythbuster” posts to clear up some confusion! Starting with this big one: that the number of vacation rental units has increased by 75% in 5 years.

In reality, yes, the number of *licenses* has grown by that much, but a large amount of this increase is due to the change of accounting for properties like Mountainside Inn and Ice House (that went from 1 license per property to 1 license per unit - all of which were already short-term rented). 10 to 20 licenses are also overcounted each year when a unit with an existing license sells and the buyer applies for a new license, counting that unit as double. In reality,…

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This is a series of videos to chat about the two proposed ballot measures addressing Short Term Rentals in the Town of Telluride. Stay tuned for more!

hi friends-

As promised, I’m back to keep you posted on current events here in Telluride, Colorado.

In this video, I’m talking about the labor shortage, the housing crisis, and why I support focusing on providing more deed-restricted affordable housing to locals, as opposed to attempting to regulate the free market.

Ballot measure 2D not only generates funds for affordable housing (through increased business license fees for Short Term Rentals), but it also protects tax revenue generated by Short Term Rentals that is specifically designated…

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